Leaders With Relevant VISION?

Regardless, of your personal/ political agenda, party affiliation, or priorities, the majority of people, should, agree, this nation, has reached, a crossroads, where, the road, we take, forward, might determine, not able to the United States, regarding paying keen focus to Constitutional guarantees, freedoms, rights, and justice – for – all, and protecting the sustainability individuals planet, with regards to maintaining and strengthening environmental protections, and realistically, addressing the inherent, challenges, of Climate Change. Especially, at this time – in – time, America needs real leaders, with relevant, sustainable VISION, who’re proactive, and find the nerve, to generate changes, for your better, and get started! With that in mind, this information will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, utilizing the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it matters.

  1. Views; value; values; virtues: We can will no longer, accept, elected officials, who do not have the essential virtues, of putting the national needs, and priorities, in advance of any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest! They must articulate views, which unite us, for your greater good! Public officials must employ a combination, of providing essential value, regarding serving and representing this nation, in addition to maintaining the standard of character, and values, which align together with the core, national ideology!
  2. Integrity; ideas; insights: Why would people follow, and unify, unless/ until, their leader maintained the maximum degree of genuine, absolute integrity? Wouldn’t most of us, be, better – served, if/ when, leaders ideas, and insights, devoted to the greater good, contributing to, a meaningful, meeting – of – the – minds?
  3. Service; solutions; system; stronger; sustainable: Meaningful service must mean, seeking viable, sustainable solutions, which can make us, stronger, and even more capable, of addressing the difficulties of an evolving world! True leaders perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and motivate others, to think in their system, and approaches!
  4. Imagination; innovate; ideals/ ideology: Instead of with all the same – old, same – old, using the emphasis, around the good – old, days, we must elect officials, while using relevant imagination, and chance to innovate, as necessary, to generate us better, and stronger! Only when the ideals, and also the nation’s core ideology, are aligned, properly, will many of us benefit, within the longer – run!
  5. Organized; options: A thorough, consideration, and evaluation of options and opportunities, must emphasize, a prepared approach, towards relevant, sustainable solutions, and strategic, well – considered, action plans!
  6. Needs; nerve: True leaders hold the nerve to consider actions, regularly, when lesser ones, procrastinate, etc! Shouldn’t we demand, they, prioritize relevant, sustainable needs, and priorities?

If hopefully, the united states, and planet, besides survives, but, does – so, effectively, plus in a relevant, and sustainable way, we’ve got to elect individuals, having a quality, vital, vibrant, VISION! Wake up, America, now!

Necessities For A Sustainable Future

Most people, inside the United States, manage to pay more, for the rhetoric, and empty promises of potential, elected officials, compared to what they do, to how, someone, might achieve his objectives, inside a relevant, sustainable manner! Hundreds of millions of dollars, if not more, are spent, on Presidential election campaigns, yet, we rarely, learn, much, of value/ significance, from all of these advertisements, slogans, and rallies. What good, is achieved, unless/ until, someone we elect, concentrates on, and emphasizes, the very best, most recent, sustainable approach, make use of, to treat the true priorities, needs, and necessities, of our own nation, and citizens. With that in mind, this document will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 necessities, for adequately, addressing the top approach, to making, a sustainable future.

  1. Public Health: What may perhaps be, more essential, than prioritizing the safety of the public’s health, and safety? We need public officials, who, plan, properly, for eventualities, and achieving a qualified team of experts, in – place, to name potential issues, early, and also a plan, to significantly, slow up the risk, both, within the shorter – term, and longer – term, for that public. Recently, unfortunately, we have now witnessed the ramifications of proceeding, unprepared, and, apparently, putting non permanent, political agendas/ perspectives, and populist politics, ahead of the most effective interests with this nation!
  2. Restore economy, and jobs/ employment: Many areas of leading, are inter – related! Only, when, citizens seem confident, inside future, as well as the ability of leaders, to provide and represent our interests, should we be able to restore the economy, inside a relevant, realistic, sustainable way, in lieu of, trying to us, smoke – and – mirrors, for political purposes! To achieve this, leaders must spend on preparing us, for evolving needs, and prioritizing, sustainable purposes, etc!
  3. Infrastructure: For years, our nation’s infrastructure, is getting worse, and responsible leadership, would prioritize, improving, and updating this! Unfortunately, even though this is needed, all too often, political considerations, end – up, out – weighing, doing the necessities, right, as well as!
  4. Climate/ Climate Change: Instead of denying the health risks, and/ or, equating, supposed, economic purposes, with addressing troubles, of Climate Change, sooner, instead of later, we carry on and witness, hardly any, achieved, to treat this, and get started, to make sure, we protect our children and grandchildren!
  5. Environment: We need cleaner air, and purer water, to defend, this, and well being, on the existing population, as well as generations to come. For decades, incremental changes, and approaches, created better, necessary regulations, but, from the past four years, President Trump’s administration, has, sought to weaken, and eliminate a number of these rules!
  6. Freedoms: What will our nation become, whenever we don’t protect the many freedoms, liberties, and justice – for – all, the United States, has, historically, stood for? This commitment must be to defend all of these rights, rather, than, selective ones!

At the bare minimum, we have to demand, our public officials, address, proactively, these 6 sustainable necessities! Wake up, America, and get started!

Using The PIECES For A Better Future!

Most people state, they would hope, for the nation, and our planet, to become stronger, and better, in the future, so future generations, can enjoy it, and become the protectors, to those, who follow them! However, unfortunately, despite the empty promises, and rhetoric, of politicians, we witness, very little, real progress, in that direction! Whether, because of the nature, and character, of those, we elect, or some inherent weakness in the American political system, unless/ until, significant changes, for the better, are implemented, and utilized, we probably, will see little, true improvements! This process requires a significant degree of commitment, and will not occur overnight. There are a number of PIECES of this equation, and with that, in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what they mean, and why, we would all benefit, by a genuine effort, in this direction.

  1. Priorities; phases; planning; peace; process: This process must try to identify real priorities, so our leaders, use their planning, to implement them, effectively! Nothing, generally, changes overnight, and, therefore, it’s important to approach needed changes, in well – considered, phases! Some of these components, and ideals, must include: world peace; Climate Change protections; environmental considerations; human rights; and a greater degree of enforcement of all our Constitutional guarantees, rather than merely, doing so, selectively.
  2. Ideas; ideals/ ideology; insights; infrastructure: Doesn’t it make sense, to have a real plan, and well – considered ideas, to take care of, upgrade, and improve America’s infrastructure? Shouldn’t we demand, public leaders, align their ideals, and approaches, with the core ideology, of this nation? If our insights, focused more on becoming better, and less on partisan politics, wouldn’t most people, be, better served?
  3. Endurance; environment: If we don’t have the endurance, to take care of our environment, regulating protections, to ensure, the health, and well – being of future generations, we all lose!
  4. Climate Change; coordinate; clarity; cooperation/ change: Rather than listening to the denials, regarding Climate Change, it is imperative, that we proceed, forward, to ensure, the future survival of this planet! We must demand, elected officials, consistently, coordinate citizens’ efforts,with clarity, and stressing mutual cooperation, with the objective of creating, and implementing, change, for the better!
  5. Emphasis; excellence: Wouldn’t we, all benefit, if our emphasis, was on, creating genuine excellence, rather than, settling, merely, for good – enough?
  6. Sustainable; solutions; stronger: If, we want a better future, our combined, mindset, must focus on, creating, and implementing, the finest, sustainable solutions. Only, if/ when, we do so, will our way of life, become stronger!