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What You Need To Know About Psychedelic Art

Psychedelics are also known as hallucinogens simply because they stimulate hallucinations . They are psychoactive chemical substances that produce changes in perception , mood and cognitive process . They completely alter the brain once they are ingested . These drugs are used in the treatment of certain mental disorders such as anxiety and addictive disorders . It’s their ability to permeate in the blood brain barrier that makes them able to alter the brain and cause hallucinations . Medically psychedelics help to alleviate mood and alter a depressed persons state of the mind . The use of psychedelics varies from state to state because of the different laws and regulations regarding them . Psychedelics are controlled drugs that are just not given to anybody who comes asking to be given . Psychedelics are controlled because they are easily abused to stimulate the hippie feeling . A lot of people use psychedelics to escape the reality of life and feel at ease . They somehow help to ease the pressures of life .
Psychedelic art is art influenced by hallucinations following their ingestion . After ingesting this drugs vivid pictures form in one’s mind that they only can explore what they have seen or are feeling at the moment . Psychedelic drugs have been the inspiration of psychedelic art because it’s the source of inspiration from this artists . The psychedelic arts inspire the artists to come up without of the norm arts . This is also known as psychedelia whereby graphics and visual displays are inspired by psychedelic experiences and intense hallucinations . It’s weird but some writers , poets , musicians and more importantly artists have their inspirations coming from this experiences, and they come out with unique and out of this world psychedelic works .
Some of the psychedelic arts include graphics and visuals that contains spirals , concentric circles , repetitive patterns and symbols , intense color , twisting and distorted forms . They use this features to express what has occurred in the minds of those experiencing this hallucinations . People that use this psychedelic drugs are convinced that the feeling they have is real and can actually feel it, but the truth is that they only experience it in their minds . Psychedelic arts are good because they help this people with hallucinations feel like somebody really understands how and what they feel within them , they are actually able to express themselves through this arts . This is an experience that can’t be easily explained even by just looking at the graphics it’s unique and almost looks like time travel it’s time we embrace the uniqueness of life and different experiences by different people. It almost seems crazy when you try to explain it to someone but psychedelic arts truly exist . It’s crazy how the psychedelic substances are able to twist your thinking and brain to come up with something as unique and expressive as psychedelic arts . With the evolving world and new technology it is crazy to imagine that no graphic or visual art can be more digital and unique as psychedelic arts . This is not to say that psychedelic drugs should be abused and used by people with no apparent reason , because there will be more serious consequences when you ingest this drugs without a medical reason . This are serious drugs and should only be consumed with a go ahead from a certified doctor . Other than that we should appreciate the benefits that come with psychedelic arts .

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